
TENNESSEE                       rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt	off tot	ast pf	st to pts
Ely         19	4-10  1-3  0-0	 2   8	 2   2	 0  3	9
G Jackson   20	3-9   0-1  0-1	 5  11	 3   0	 5  3	6
Snow        21	4-5   4-6  0-0	 3   8	 0   2	 0  2  12
A McDivitt  11	0-0   2-2  0-0	 0   1	 3   5	 1  0	2
Lawson      20	5-8   0-0  2-4	 1   4	 0   1	 2  1  12
Butts       12	3-5   1-2  2-3	 1   4	 1   2	 0  0	9
Davis       19	4-6   4-4  0-0	 2   4	 1   2	 2  2  12
Canon        1	0-0   1-2  0-0	 0   0	 0   0	 0  0	1
Munoz        8	0-1   0-0  0-1	 0   0	 1   2	 0  0	0
Moore       21	1-5   1-2  0-0	 0   4	 4   2	 1  3	3
B Jackson   13	4-7   0-2  2-3	 0   1	 1   0	 0  1  10
Robinson    13	2-7   0-0  0-0	 0   3	 0   5	 1  3	4
C McDaniel  12	1-4   2-2  0-0	 2   2	 0   0	 0  0	4
Pillow      10	2-3   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0   0	 1  1	4
TOTALS     200 33-70 16-26 6-12	16  50	16  23	13 19  88
Percentages: FG .471, FT .615, 3PT .500
Team rebounds: 4
Blocked shots: 1 (Snow)

FLORIDA	                        rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt	off tot	ast pf	st to pts
Cooper      30	2-4   0-0  0-0	 1   3	 2   3	 1  1	4
Cardenas    38	3-11  6-8  0-3	 1   5	 0   4	 3  2  12
Hayden      26	7-18  1-3  0-0	 2   9	 3   5	 1  3  15
Gregory     13	1-5   1-2  0-1	 0   2	 0   1	 1  4	3
McCain      39	4-17  2-2  2-9	 1   4	 7   5	 3  4  12
Hills        9	1-3   0-0  1-2	 0   1	 0   1	 0  0	3
Taylor       8	0-3   0-0  0-1	 1   2	 2   1	 1  1	0
Patterson   21	4-4   0-2  0-0	 2   4	 0   2	 0  3	8
Williams    16	3-3   0-0  1-1	 1   1	 1   0	 1  1	7
TOTALS     200 25-68 10-17 4-17	 9  31	15  22	11 19  64
Percentages: FG .368, FT .588, 3PT .235
Team rebounds: 3
Blocked shots: 7 (Hayden 5, Cardenas, Cooper)
            1st	2nd  Total
Tennessee   38	50    88
Florida     20	44    64

Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 2,706.
Officials: Dennis Demayo, Lawson Newton, Tina Napier.


CONNECTICUT                     rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt  off tot	ast pf st to pts
Cash        33	7-12  2-4  0-0	 3  10	 0   4	0  6  16
Williams    32	5-7   3-5  0-0	 3  15	 0   0	4  3  13
Jones       24	4-7   0-0  1-1	 0   6	 0   5	1  1   9
Taurasi     38 11-16  7-8  3-6	 0   2	 2   2	0  3  32
Bird        39	3-11  4-4  2-4	 1   5	 8   0	1  4  12
A Valley     1	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0   0	0  0   0
Conlon       1	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0   0	0  0   0
M Valley     1	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0   0	0  0   0
Battle       9	1-2   0-0  0-0	 0   1	 0   1	0  0   2
Moore       22	1-1   0-0  0-0	 0   1	 2   3	0  0   2
TOTALS     200 32-56 16-21 6-11	 7  40	12  15	6 17  86
Percentages: FG .571, FT .762, 3PT .545
Team rebounds: 1
Blocked shots: 2 (Jones, Taurasi)

TENNESSEE                       rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt  off tot ast pf st to pts
G Jackson   27	3-11  4-5  0-2	 2   3	 1   3	0  1  10
Ely         24	4-9   0-0  0-0	 2   4	 3   3	1  3   8
Snow        31	5-15  4-5  0-0	 2   7	 1   2	1  3  14
A McDivitt  23	2-4   0-0  2-4	 0   3	 1   1	1  1   6
Lawson      35	6-14  4-4  1-5	 3   7	 3   3	1  1  17
Butts        8	2-3   0-1  1-2	 0   0	 1   0	0  0   5
Davis       15	2-4   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0   1	1  0   4
Moore       17	1-4   0-0  1-1	 1   3	 4   1	3  2   3
B Jackson    6	1-1   0-0  1-1	 0   0	 0   1	0  0   3
Robinson     8	0-2   0-0  0-0	 1   3	 0   1	0  1   0
C McDaniel   6	1-5   0-0  0-0	 1   1	 0   1	0  0   2
TOTALS     200 27-72 12-15 6-15	12  31	14  17	8 12  72
Percentages: FG .375, FT .800, 3PT .400
Team rebounds: 2
Blocked shots: 4 (G Jackson 2, Snow, Robinson)
                1st	2nd	Total
Connecticut	37	49	86
Tennessee	31	41	72

Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 24,611.
Officials: June Corteau, Patty Broderick, Bryan Enterline.


OLD DOMINION              3-pt       rebounds
player name         fg-a  fg-a  ft-a of de tot pf pt  a to bl st min
Maiga, Hamchetou.... 4-7   0-0   2-4  1  6  7   5 10  2  4  0  1  33
Berthieu, Lucienne.. 2-8   0-0   2-3  1  1  2   5  6  0  0  0  3  17
Thompson, Tiffany... 0-3   0-1   2-2  0  1  1   2  2  1  1  1  1  31
Francis, Sharron.... 3-12  1-6   0-0  0  2  2   2  7  2  2  0  2  25
Howard, Okeisha..... 6-11  1-2   2-3  0  1  1   3 15  3  3  0  2  35
Spence, Myriah...... 2-2   1-1   0-0  0  0  0   2  5  0  1  0  0   7
Coker, Monique...... 2-6   0-0   0-0  0  1  1   1  4  0  2  1  0  17
Grant, Shareese..... 3-7   0-0   1-2  4  2  6   1  7  2  3  0  1  23
Charles, Sharlenia.. 0-1   0-0   0-0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0   2
Giddens, Kim........ 3-6   0-0   0-0  0  0  0   5  6  0  0  2  0  10
TEAM................                  3  4  7
TOTALS..............25-63  3-10 9-14  9 18 27  26 62 10 16  4 10 200
Total FG% 1st Half: 14-33 42.4% 2nd Half: 11-30 36.7% Game: 39.7%
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half: 1-6 16.7% 2nd Half: 2-4 50.0% Game: 30.0%
F Throw % 1st Half: 5-6 83.3% 2nd Half: 4-8 50.0% Game: 64.3%
Deadball Rebs: 2

TENNESSEE                 3-pt       rebounds
player name         fg-a  fg-a  ft-a  of de tot pf pt  a to bl st min
Jackson, Gwen....... 4-12  1-4   4-7   3  5  8   2 13  2  2  1  2  33
Ely, Shyra.......... 1-5   0-0   0-0   1  1  2   4  2  0  3  0  0  10
Snow, Michelle...... 5-8   0-0   9-10  2  7  9   3 19  0  0  3  0  25
Davis, LaToya....... 0-0   0-0   2-2   0  0  0   1  2  0  2  0  1   9
Lawson, Kara........ 1-5   0-2   0-0   0  5  5   0  2  9  4  0  3  38
Butts, Tasha........ 3-6   2-4   8-10  1  6  7   0 16  1  0  1  1  22
McDivitt, April..... 1-4   0-1   0-0   0  1  1   1  2  1  3  0  0  15
Moore, Loree........ 1-1   0-0   2-2   0  1  1   1  4  0  1  0  2  12
Jackson, Brittany... 0-0   0-0   0-0   0  1  1   0  0  0  0  0  0   3
Robinson, Ashley.... 3-4   0-0   3-4   0  3  3   3  9  0  5  1  1  22
McDaniel, Courtney.. 1-5   0-0   0-0   3  1  4   0  2  0  0  0  2   9
Pillow, Shalon...... 1-1   0-0   1-1   1  0  1   0  3  0  2  0  0   2
TEAM................                   3  1  4
TOTALS..............21-51  3-11 29-36 14 32 46  15 74 13 22  6 12 200
Total FG% 1st Half: 14-29 48.3%; 2nd Half: 7-22 31.8%; Game: 41.2%
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half: 1-6 16.7%; 2nd Half: 2-5 40.0%; Game: 27.3%
F Throw % 1st Half: 8-9 88.9%; 2nd Half: 21-27 77.8%; Game: 80.6%
Deadball Rebs: 5
Score by Periods            1st 2nd Total
Old Dominion..............  34  28 - 62
Tennessee.................. 37  37 - 74
Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 12,210 (8,521)
Officials: Art Bomengen, Wesley Dean, Mary Day

AUBURN              tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Johnson, Lakeisha... 2-9    2-4    0-0    2  3  5   3   6  0  2  0  0  26
Willingham, Le'Coe.. 1-4    0-0    3-6    3  5  8   3   5  0  2  0  1  27
Miller, Tia......... 5-11   0-0    5-6    6  6 12   4  15  0  4  0  4  30
Smith, Carol........ 4-15   0-7    0-1    0  0  0   2   8  3  2  0  1  36
Derrick, Nancy...... 5-8    0-0    0-2    2  3  5   0  10  0  2  0  0  26
Louden, Nicole...... 0-1    0-1    1-2    0  0  0   0   1  0  3  0  1   6
Parsons, Ezria...... 0-2    0-1    0-0    2  3  5   2   0  0  1  0  0  10
Hillman, Brandi..... 0-2    0-0    0-0    1  1  2   1   0  0  0  1  0  13
Brackett, Natasha... 0-5    0-4    0-2    0  2  2   1   0  0  2  0  1  16
Correia, Crispina... 2-5    0-0    1-1    1  1  2   3   5  0  2  1  0  10
TEAM................                      5  2  7
TOTALS..............19-62   2-17  10-20  22 26 48  19  50  3 20  2  8 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half:  7-29 24.1%   2nd Half: 12-33 36.4%   Game: 30.6%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  0-6   0.0%   2nd Half:  2-11 18.2%   Game: 11.8%
F THROW % 1st Half:  6-12 50.0%   2nd Half:  4-8  50.0%   Game: 50.0%

TENNESSEE           tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Jackson, Gwen....... 5-11   0-1    1-1    1  2  3   0  11  2  0  3  2  27
Ely, Shyra.......... 0-5    0-0    0-1    1  3  4   1   0  1  1  0  1  21
Snow, Michelle...... 5-6    0-0    8-10   2  3  5   2  18  1  1  1  1  25
Butts, Tasha........ 0-5    0-2    4-4    1  2  3   2   4  0  1  0  1  10
Lawson, Kara........ 1-4    0-3    0-0    0  3  3   1   2  2  0  0  0  24
Davis, LaToya....... 2-3    0-0    3-5    2  0  2   1   7  0  1  1  1  12
McDivitt, April..... 0-1    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   0  2  2  0  1  10
Munoz, Michelle..... 2-4    1-1    2-2    0  1  1   3   7  1  1  0  0  13
Moore, Loree........ 3-5    3-3    0-0    0  3  3   2   9  5  2  0  2  26
Jackson, Brittany... 1-4    1-4    0-0    0  2  2   1   3  1  0  0  0   5
Robinson, Ashley.... 2-6    0-0    0-0    1  1  2   2   4  0  3  1  0  11
McDaniel, Courtney.. 1-2    0-0    2-2    1  4  5   4   4  1  0  0  1   8
Pillow, Shalon...... 1-1    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   2  0  1  1  0   8
TEAM................                      3  3  6
TOTALS..............23-57   5-14  20-25  12 27 39  19  71 16 13  7 10 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 15-34 44.1%   2nd Half:  8-23 34.8%   Game: 40.4%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  1-7  14.3%   2nd Half:  4-7  57.1%   Game: 35.7%
F THROW % 1st Half:  9-12 75.0%   2nd Half: 11-13 84.6%   Game: 80.0%
Score by Periods             1st  2nd   Total
Auburn....................   20   30  -   50
Tennessee.................   40   31  -   71
Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 11,394 (7,891)
Officials: Bob Trammell, Bonita Spence, Mark Zentz


LOUISIANA STATE     tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Tardy, Ke-Ke........ 5-7    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   3  10  0  2  1  1  37
Hodges, Roneeka..... 1-8    0-3    0-0    0  3  3   1   2  1  1  0  0  24
Smith, Aiysha....... 7-10   0-1    3-3    1  5  6   3  17  1  6  3  2  38
Johnson, Temeka..... 6-8    0-0    0-0    2  3  5   5  12  8  3  0  0  35
Hodges, Doneeka..... 5-17   4-8    6-6    1  5  6   1  20  3  4  0  1  36
Dorrell, Scholanda.. 1-5    0-0    4-4    1  5  6   2   6  0  3  0  0  28
Willis, Tillie...... 0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0  0   2
TEAM................                      2  3  5
TOTALS..............25-55   4-12  13-13   7 24 31  15  67 13 19  4  4 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 13-30 43.3%   2nd Half: 12-25 48.0%   Game: 45.5%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  0-3   0.0%   2nd Half:  4-9  44.4%   Game: 33.3%
F THROW % 1st Half:  7-7  100 %   2nd Half:  6-6  100 %   Game: 100 %

TENNESSEE           tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Jackson, Gwen....... 2-6    0-0    2-2    3  4  7   2   6  0  2  0  0   9
Ely, Shyra.......... 5-13   0-0    0-0    3  4  7   2  10  1  1  1  0  25
Snow, Michelle...... 7-12   0-0    0-0    3  3  6   2  14  0  1  0  0  22
Butts, Tasha........ 0-7    0-3    0-0    4  2  6   0   0  3  0  0  0  19
Lawson, Kara........ 6-12   1-4    4-4    2  5  7   1  17  0  0  0  5  37
Davis, LaToya....... 1-3    0-0    1-2    2  1  3   2   3  2  0  1  2  18
McDivitt, April..... 1-3    1-3    1-2    0  0  0   1   4  1  2  0  2  20
Moore, Loree........ 0-1    0-0    0-0    0  1  1   0   0  4  3  0  1  14
Jackson, Brittany... 2-2    1-1    0-0    0  0  0   0   5  0  0  0  0   3
Robinson, Ashley.... 5-10   0-0    0-1    2  2  4   1  10  2  1  2  3  17
McDaniel, Courtney.. 1-2    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   2  0  0  0  0   5
Pillow, Shalon...... 3-7    0-0    2-2    2  0  2   2   8  1  0  0  0  11
TEAM................                      1  1  2
TOTALS..............33-78   3-11  10-13  22 23 45  13  79 14 10  4 13 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 15-37 40.5%   2nd Half: 18-41 43.9%   Game: 42.3%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  1-7  14.3%   2nd Half:  2-4  50.0%   Game: 27.3%
F THROW % 1st Half:  2-2  100 %   2nd Half:  8-11 72.7%   Game: 76.9%

Officials: Bill Stokes, Lisa Mattingly, Laura Morris
Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 13,544 (10,862)
Score by Periods                1st  2nd   Total
Louisiana State...............   33   34  -   67
Tennessee.....................   33   46  -   79

Fouled Out: Johnson, LSU (2:32, 2nd Half)
Points In The Paint: UT 46, LSU 20
Points Off Turnovers: UT 11, LSU 4
Second-Chance Points: UT 26, LSU 6


TENNESSEE                      rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt off tot ast pf st to pts
G Jackson   30	7-11  1-3  2-3	 4   9	 0  1  1  3  17
Ely         13	2-5   0-0  0-0	 0   3	 2  1  0  4   4
Snow        32	3-5   8-10 0-0	 1   7	 0  3  1  3  14
Davis       11	1-1   0-0  0-0	 1   1	 2  0  4  2   2
Lawson      37	6-13  5-6  2-5	 2   5	 3  1  1  2  19
Butts        7	1-3   0-0  0-1	 0   1	 0  0  0  0   2
A McDivitt   3	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0  0  0  2   0
Moore       33	4-5   3-4  0-1	 0   7	 6  2  3  5  11
Robinson    23	4-6   3-6  0-0	 0   2	 0  0  3  1  11
C McDaniel   7	0-5   0-0  0-0	 1   1	 0  2  1  0   0
Pillow       4	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0  0  0  0   0
TOTALS     200 28-54 20-29 4-10	 9  36	13 10 14 22  80
Percentages: FG .519, FT .690, 3PT .400
Team rebounds: 3
Blocked shots: 5 (Snow 2, G Jackson, Ely, Robinson)

SOUTH CAROLINA               rebounds
player     min	fg   ft   3pt off tot ast pf st	to pts
Geter       27	1-7  5-6  0-0	1   4	1  3  0	 1   7
Penn        35	9-16 1-1  0-0	2   4	0  3  2	 5  19
Ujhelyi     20	2-4  0-1  0-1	0   3	3  5  7	 1   4
Ciocan      30	1-7  0-0  0-1	0   0  10  2  2	 4   2
Gortman     34	6-12 0-0  4-7	0   3	2  3  3	 3  16
Ajanovic     6	0-0  0-0  0-0	0   1	0  0  1	 0   0
Morrone     27	2-7  0-0  1-6	1   3	0  0  2	 2   5
Troina      18	2-5  3-3  1-4	1   3	0  5  1	 3   8
Segres       3	0-1  0-0  0-0	0   0	0  0  0	 0   0
TOTALS     200 23-59 9-11 6-19	5  21  16 21 18	21  61
Percentages: FG .390, FT .818, 3PT .316
Team rebounds: 4
Blocked shots: 2 (Ujhelyi 2)
                1st	2nd	Total
Tennessee	35	45	80
South Carolina	34	27	61

Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 12,168.
Officials: Sally Bell, Doug Cloud, Leslie Claybrook.


ALABAMA             tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Hunter, Shun........ 1-3    0-1    0-0    0  2  2   0   2  0  3  0  0  12
Cartwell, Lanisha... 1-4    0-0    0-0    1  0  1   5   2  0  2  0  0  18
Redus, Manisha...... 0-3    0-0    3-4    0  3  3   0   3  3  5  0  2  27
Vice, Beth.......... 8-18   6-12   0-0    0  4  4   1  22  7  5  0  5  33
Sipe, Katie......... 4-6    1-2    0-1    0  2  2   3   9  3  3  0  1  27
Smith, Sparkle...... 0-1    0-0    2-2    0  2  2   3   2  0  0  1  1  12
Strickland, Mivvi... 0-1    0-1    0-1    0  0  0   0   0  0  2  0  0   6
Reed, Capper........ 0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0  0   1
Taylor, Oreal....... 0-0    0-0    0-1    0  1  1   1   0  1  0  0  0   5
Bivins, Monique..... 3-4    1-1    0-0    1  2  3   1   7  0  0  1  0  16
Gamble, Natasha..... 0-2    0-0    2-2    1  1  2   2   2  0  0  0  1  14
Papisan, Leigh...... 1-2    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   1   2  0  1  0  0  10
Johns, Jamilah...... 2-6    0-0    2-3    2  2  4   1   6  0  1  1  0  19
TEAM................                      1  5  6
TOTALS..............20-50   8-17   9-14   6 24 30  18  57 14 22  3 10 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half:  9-23 39.1%   2nd Half: 11-27 40.7%   Game: 40.0%
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  3-7  42.9%   2nd Half:  5-10 50.0%   Game: 47.1%
F Throw % 1st Half:  3-5  60.0%   2nd Half:  6-9  66.7%   Game: 64.3%

TENNESSEE           tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player name         fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Jackson, Gwen....... 1-4    0-0    1-1    2  3  5   0   3  2  1  0  1  16
Robinson, Ashley.... 3-5    0-0    2-2    2  3  5   1   8  0  2  0  2  26
Snow, Michelle...... 3-10   0-0    3-4    2  4  6   0   9  0  2  1  0  23
Lawson, Kara........ 3-7    1-2    0-0    1  2  3   2   7  2  1  0  1  16
Moore, Loree........ 3-10   0-3    0-0    1  1  2   3   6  6  3  0  4  20
Butts, Tasha........ 1-2    0-0    0-0    0  1  1   0   2  0  0  1  0  14
Davis, LaToya....... 0-3    0-0    0-0    0  2  2   2   0  0  2  0  1  10
McDivitt, April..... 4-5    3-4    2-2    0  1  1   0  13  3  0  0  1  20
Munoz, Michelle..... 3-3    0-0    8-8    1  2  3   1  14  0  1  0  0  15
Jackson, Brittany... 4-8    3-5    1-1    0  1  1   2  12  1  0  0  0   9
McDaniel, Courtney.. 1-2    0-0    0-0    1  1  2   1   2  0  0  0  0   6
Ely, Shyra.......... 1-3    0-0    2-2    0  5  5   3   4  3  4  0  1  19
Pillow, Shalon...... 1-1    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   1   2  2  0  0  0   6
TEAM................                      2  2  4
TOTALS..............28-63   7-14  19-20  12 28 40  16  82 19 16  2 11 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 15-34 44.1%   2nd Half: 13-29 44.8%   Game: 44.4%
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  2-5  40.0%   2nd Half:  5-9  55.6%   Game: 50.0%
F Throw % 1st Half:  8-8  100 %   2nd Half: 11-12 91.7%   Game: 95.0%
Score by Periods             1st  2nd   Total
Alabama....................   24   33  -   57
Tennessee..................   40   42  -   82

Technical fouls: Alabama-TEAM
Attendance: 14,860 (11,677)
Points in the Paint: UT 32, UA 10
Points off Turnovers: UT 23, UA 9
Officials: Bryan Enterline, Mary Day, Beverly Roberts


TENNESSEE                      rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt off tot ast pf st to pts
G Jackson   19	1-6   2-5  0-2   2   5   1  1  0  2   4
Ely         19	1-4   2-4  0-0   1   7   1  2  0  0   4
Robinson    22	4-6   2-4  0-0   5   6   0  2  0  4  10
A McDivitt  13	0-2   0-0  0-1   0   2   1  1  1  2   0
Lawson      36	9-13  3-6  2-3   2   8   0  3  1  1  23
Snow        28	4-8   1-3  0-0   3   6   1  4  2  4   9
Butts        4	0-2   0-0  0-1   0   0   1  1  0  0   0
Davis        8	1-5   1-1  0-0   1   1   0  1  0  1   3
Munoz        5	0-0   0-0  0-0   0   2   0  2  0  2   0
Moore       26	3-4   2-2  0-1   0   4   5  0  3  1   8
B Jackson   11	1-3   0-0  1-2   0   0   0  0  0  0   3
C McDaniel   3	0-1   0-0  0-0   0   0   0  0  0  1   0
Pillow       6	1-1   0-0  0-0	 0   0   0  1  0  1   2
TOTALS     200 25-55 13-25 3-10 14  41  10 18  7 19  66
Percentages: FG .455, FT .520, 3PT .300
Team rebounds: 8
Blocked shots: 4 (Robinson 3, Snow)

AUBURN                         rebounds
player     min	fg    ft   3pt off tot ast pf st to pts
Johnson     22	0-5   0-0  0-1	 4   7	 0  1  2  2   0
Willingham  40	5-9   4-7  0-0	 1  13	 0  1  2  0  14
Correia     13	2-7   1-2  0-0	 2   4	 0  5  0  1   5
C Smith     31	2-14  4-4  0-5	 0   0	 0  3  0  1   8
Brackett    32	6-17  1-3  0-3	 3   3	 4  3  2  3  13
Louden       9	2-5   0-1  1-2	 0   0	 1  1  0  1   5
Derrick      8	0-2   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0  0  0  0   0
Parsons     18	1-2   4-8  0-0	 3   4	 2  2  2  1   6
Arbet       25	1-3   0-0  0-0	 2   6	 0  4  1  4   2
Wright       2	0-0   0-0  0-0	 0   0	 0  0  0  0   0
TOTALS     200 19-64 14-25 1-11	15  37	 7 20  9 13  53
Percentages: FG .297, FT .560, 3PT .091
Team rebounds: 6
Blocked shots: 2 (Arbet 2)
            1st   2nd	Total
Tennessee   33    33	66
Auburn      23	  30	53

Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 6,614.
Officials: Dock Sisk, Scott Yarbrough, Terri Maddock.


FLORIDA             tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player              fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Cooper, Courtney.... 5-9    0-0    0-0    1  5  6   0  10  2  1  0  0  34
Cardenas, Monique... 3-9    0-0    0-2    0  4  4   3   6  1  5  1  1  29
Hayden, Vanessa..... 8-17   0-0    1-2    2  4  6   5  17  1  5  7  3  24
McCain, Brandi...... 6-12   4-10   2-2    0  3  3   5  18  2  6  0  4  34
Taylor, Tara........ 2-3    1-1    0-0    0  2  2   1   5  0  1  0  1  12
Hills, Sherisha..... 0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   1   0  0  0  0  1   3
Gregory, Tishona.... 1-8    0-1    1-2    1  0  1   0   3  0  0  0  0  16
Patterson, Trish.... 0-1    0-0    2-2    1  2  3   2   2  0  2  0  0  23
Williams, Tamia..... 1-5    1-4    2-2    2  1  3   1   5  5  0  0  1  25
TEAM................                      3  3  6
TOTALS..............26-64   6-16   8-12  10 24 34  18  66 11 20  8 11 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 13-32 40.6%   2nd Half: 13-32 40.6%   Game: 40.6%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  3-8  37.5%   2nd Half:  3-8  37.5%   Game: 37.5%
F THROW % 1st Half:  2-4  50.0%   2nd Half:  6-8  75.0%   Game: 66.7%

TENNESSEE           tot-fg  3-pt         rebounds
player              fg-fga fg-fga ft-fta of de tot pf  tp  a to blk s min
Davis, LaToya....... 0-1    0-0    0-0    3  3  6   2   0  0  0  1  2  14
Robinson, Ashley.... 0-7    0-0    1-2    0  1  1   2   1  1  2  0  1  21
Snow, Michelle...... 6-12   0-0    4-4    1  9 10   1  16  2  1  3  1  25
Lawson, Kara........ 7-18   1-5    3-3    2  2  4   0  18  1  0  0  1  29
Moore, Loree........ 5-6    1-1    0-2    0  3  3   2  11  8  3  1  2  29
Butts, Tasha........ 4-7    2-2    0-0    1  1  2   1  10  3  1  0  1  15
McDivitt, April..... 2-6    1-5    0-0    0  2  2   1   5  1  2  0  3  21
Jackson, Gwen....... 6-7    0-0    5-5    1  3  4   3  17  0  2  0  1  24
Munoz, Michelle..... 2-2    0-0    0-0    1  2  3   1   4  0  4  0  0   7
Jackson, Brittany... 0-1    0-1    4-4    0  0  0   2   4  0  0  0  0   6
McDaniel, Courtney.. 0-0    0-0    0-0    0  2  2   1   0  0  1  0  0   4
Pillow, Shalon...... 0-1    0-0    0-2    1  0  1   0   0  0  1  0  1   5
TEAM................                      4  2  6
TOTALS..............32-68   5-14  17-22  14 30 44  16  86 16 17  5 13 200
TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 16-38 42.1%   2nd Half: 16-30 53.3%   Game: 47.1%
3-PT. FG% 1st Half:  3-10 30.0%   2nd Half:  2-4  50.0%   Game: 35.7%
F THROW % 1st Half:  8-11 72.7%   2nd Half:  9-11 81.8%   Game: 77.3%
Score by Periods          1st  2nd   Total
Florida................   31   35  -   66
Tennessee..............   43   43  -   86
Officials: Wesley Dean, Yvette McKinney, Sue Blauch
Technical fouls: Florida-TEAM.
Attendance: 12,213 (9,104)
Fouled Out: McCain (UF) 3:33, Hayden (UF) 2:41 2nd half
Points in Paint: UT 38, UF 20
Points off TO: UT 17, UF 5
2nd Chance Points: UT 8, UF 6


TENNESSEE                    rebounds
player     min	fg   ft  3pt off tot ast pf st to pts
Robinson    18	1-5  1-2 0-0   1   2   0  4  0	3   3
Davis       20	3-6  0-2 0-0   2   2   0  1  0	2   6
Snow        28	4-8  2-2 0-0   2   6   0  2  1	2  10
Moore       24	3-6  0-0 0-2   0   1   2  3  1	3   6
Lawson      37	4-14 2-2 1-6   4   5   2  4  1	0  11
Butts       15	2-8  0-0 0-2   4   5   1  2  1	1   4
A McDivitt  24	5-8  0-1 3-6   0   2   0  3  4	1  13
G Jackson   17	0-1  0-0 0-0   0   2   1  1  0	0   0
Munoz        1	0-0  0-0 0-0   0   1   0  0  0	0   0
B Jackson    1	0-2  0-0 0-2   0   0   0  1  0	0   0
Ely         15	3-6  0-0 0-0   0   4   0  1  1	2   6
TOTALS     200 25-64 5-9 4-18 13  30   6 22  9 14  59
Percentages: FG .391, FT .556, 3PT .222
Team rebounds: 1
Blocked shots: 2 (Snow 2)

VANDERBILT                       rebounds
player       min  fg	ft   3pt off tot ast pf	st to pts
Benningfield  27  1-6	0-0  0-4   0   4   2  3	 1  3   2
Klimesova     40  5-9	4-4  1-1   1   4   3  2	 0  4  15
Anderson      24  9-12	4-5  0-0   0   5   2  3	 0  2  22
Danker        40  5-9	8-8  1-4   2  10   2  1	 1  4  19
McElhiney     39  4-6	3-5  2-2   0   2   2  2	 0  1  13
Battle        15  1-1	1-2  0-0   2   4   1  2	 1  0   3
Colli          6  0-1	0-0  0-1   0   0   0  0	 0  1   0
Earley         6  1-3	0-0  0-0   0   1   0  0	 1  1   2
Storey         3  0-0   0-0  0-0   0   0   0  0	 0  1   0
TOTALS       200 26-47 20-24 4-12  5  30  12 13	 4 17  76
Percentages: FG .553, FT .833, 3PT .333
Team rebounds: 2
Blocked shots: 1 (Anderson)
                1st	2nd	Total
Tennessee	29	30	59
Vanderbilt	29	47	76
Technical fouls: None.
Attendance: 14,168.
Officials: Sally Bell, John Morningstar, Yvette Mckinney.
